***SOLD OUT***
Wim Hof Workshop
Breathwork + ice bath + sauna
Empower yourself to be the happiest, strongest, and healthiest human you can be.
Pioneered by Wim Hof who has 26 world records for being awesome, the Wim Hof Method has 10 years of scientific research backing how extra-ordinary it is.
Discover how your breathing influences your direct experience of life. Feel how your brain, heart, and body are all influenced through your breath.
Who’s this for?
Anyone who’s looking to improve and bring more awareness to any aspect of their life
People who suffer from anxiety, stress, depression, and other mental challenges
Anyone seeking further clarity, focus, and fulfillment
Those looking to increase their physical performance, body awareness, and recovery
People who are looking to improve their health and quality of life
Anyone wanting to boost their happiness and find a sense of calm
“I had some awareness of breath beforehand, the workshop surprised me in the power of the breathing exercises that I had not experienced before. I enjoyed the relaxed state of the presenter and the change of my state from stressed to relaxed.” - Stacey K
Benefits of the Wim Hof Method
It feels fantastic
It enhances life, making everything more awesome
Reduces stress and anxiety instantly
Increases your focus and clarity
It’s a legal natural high - it’s organic don’t panic
Boosts your happiness
Heightens your awareness
Improves your health (cardiovascular, immune, and nervous system)
Speed up your fat loss and metabolism
Makes your skin more youthful, elastic, and reduces cellulite
Suffer from fewer headaches, flus, and viruses
Reduces arthritic pain
Increases your energy, performance, and recovery
Helps you sleep better
“I was on the verge of a full-blown crisis. I feel really easy going and now I’m laughing at all the things that have been bothering me over the last three months.” — Talia H
The workshop will cover
The Wim Hof Method and other breathing techniques
Extreme cold (ice bath) exposure
Extreme heat (dry sauna) exposure
Theoretical and scientific knowledge about the method
Everything’s backed by solid science, there’s nothing herbal, or woo-woo involved
“Awesome, exceeded my expectations. I liked the scientific perspective, that resonates with me. The exercises are simple and easy to incorporate into my day. I’m definitely seeing benefits already.” - James N
Who’s Scott?
Scott is one of NZ’s most qualified breathwork facilitators with years of real-world experience. He’s a certified Wim Hof, Oxygen Advantage, HeartMath, and Buteyko Breathing Technique instructor.
He’s passionate about empowering you with simple tools that are right under your nose that’ll give you a lifetime of benefits.
"Scott has some real calm and depth to him." - Wim Hof
“After working with Scott, life is now breathing around me.” - Sal Hejaz
What to bring
A bite to eat if you’d like, but eat light (or not at all) before the workshop
A notepad and a pen
Swimwear and towel
Comfortable and warm clothes
A blanket (optional but recommended)
SUN 17 JULY, 12-4PM
No, you don’t. Whether you’re new to breathwork and the Wim Hof Method or a seasoned practitioner, you’ll gain a lot of insight and value from this workshop.
Almost anybody…
Must be over 12 years of age.
Not currently pregnant.
If you have cardiovascular issues, epilepsy, had recent surgery, or severe mental health challenges Scott will need to see approval from your doctor.
Scott understands that this might not be affordable to everyone. If you can’t afford it right now but would like to come, send Scott a message and he’ll see what he can do.
Yes, several times. Scott was one of the first two Wim Hof Method instructors in New Zealand. He had to go through a rigorous process to become one.